Light Halo




Aasimars posses the ability to manifest halos. They can create a light centered on their head at will. While using a halo, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled.

Light Halo is a Trait in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Traits can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions.


Aasimars posses the ability to manifest halos. They can create a light centered on their head at will. While using a halo, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled.


Light Halo Information

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Light Halo Tips & Notes

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Adaptability  ♦  Celestial Resistance  ♦  Defensive Training - Giants  ♦  Dwarven Weapon Familiarity  ♦  Elven Immunities  ♦  Elven Magic  ♦  Elven Weapon Familiarity  ♦  Fearless  ♦  Gnome Magic  ♦  Halfling Luck  ♦  Hardy  ♦  Hatred - Orcs and Goblinoids  ♦  Hatred - Reptilian Humanoids  ♦  Heritage  ♦  Illusion Resistance  ♦  Intimidating  ♦  Keen Senses  ♦  Obsessive  ♦  Orc Ferocity  ♦  Orc Weapon Familiarity  ♦  Slow and Steady  ♦  Slow Movement  ♦  Stability  ♦  Sure-Footed


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